Membership Approvals

Setting up memberships that require approval and approving new memberships

Any member type you create can be configured to require approval by an administrator. When a membership requires approval, new members signing up won't have access to member-only content on your website until their membership is approved, and any membership dues are paid.

To set up a membership requiring approval, follow our detailed guide. Make sure you select the option to require approval. See How to Define Memberships and the Membership Signup Wizard.

Add/Edit Member Type Screen with Requires Approval highlight

When a new member chooses a member type that requires approval and submits their application, they'll see a confirmation message letting them know an administrator will review their application. They won't be asked to pay any dues until their membership is approved. The membership status for the new member is "Prospective".

To approve a membership, you'll need access to the People Manager, your member and non-member database. If you're an administrator, you'll already have access to the database through your club's Control Panel > People Tab > Admin Functions. If you're a coordinator and don't see the option, contact your website administrator. Find the new member in your database by first changing the Membership Status filter. The default search in the People Manager won't include members with a Prospective status, so you'll need to add that status and remove the others.

Click search and find the member in the search results. To review the details the member submitted with their application, you'll want to click the Edit (pencil) icon in the Maintain column to visit their member profile.

Once you're there, you can select any panel or link to review the information they've entered.

When you're ready to approve or decline the membership, go back to the People Manager and click on the "Prospective" membership status link for the new member. In the pop-up window, select the action you want to take. If you select Approve and the member owes dues, they'll get an email noting the charges with a link to sign in and pay. If there are no dues, the new member gets an email letting them know they're approved and can sign in as a member. If you select Decline, the user will get an email letting them know their membership application has been declined.