Domain Names / Quick Links / Redirects

Control Panel > Website Tab > Setup

Many clubs own at least one Internet domain name which is used as the website address. Some clubs own more than one domain while others own none.

An Internet domain name takes the following form: Name.Extension

Name can be any string of letters and numbers, up to 63 characters long (though they are usually much shorter.) Extension is usually one of the following:

  • org
  • com
  • net
  • info
  • club

although many other extensions are also available. Names and extensions are not case-sensitive. Here is an example of a complete domain name:

The combination of a name and extension must be unique in the world-wide domain naming system; this is why shorter, well-known names were taken long ago and why special names (for example, “”) command high prices whenever they become available.

ClubExpress supports multiple domain names for a club.

Example: If the Chicago Corvette club also owns

Both names can be tracked by the system and both will point to the same ClubExpress-hosted website. You can even have domain names which point to an interior page within the main website instead of the home page.

QuickLinks allow you to define a shortcut to jump to a specific page or module or even an individual event or survey. They are described in more detail below.

301 Redirects as used by clubs when they first switch over to ClubExpress. They allow you to specify a URL from your old website and map that to a location on the new ClubExpress site. When users click a old link, perhaps one found in search engine results or one that they saved as a bookmark, the new version of that page will be correctly displayed.