In the Member Profile

When the Classified Ads module is enabled, members will see a new option on their personal Profile screen:

Classified Ads Member Profile Link

Selecting this option displays a screen to allow members to manage their own classified ads (the ones they have posted on the website. A screen similar to the following is displayed:

Classified Ads Manager for Members Screen

Use the Search panel to filter the ads shown in different ways. Title will find the value anywhere in the field.

This screen lists the ads posted by this member, sorted by expiration date and title. Buttons at the top allow members to create a new ad (described below) and to view the club’s Classified Ads Policy.

The system supports a number of status values for each classified ad, with programming and screens to support each value:

  • Draft - The ad is being created but has not yet been finalized or submitted for approval or payment.
  • Submitted - The ad has been submitted to the club for review and approval.
  • Approved, Pending Payment - The ad has been approved by the club but cannot be activated until the specified payment is made.
  • Active - The ad is showing on the website.
  • Declined - The ad was declined by the club, but it can be edited and resubmitted.
  • Expired - The posting period for this ad has run out so it’s no longer showing on the website. If allowed by the club, it can be renewed.
  • Renewed, Pending Payment - The ad has been renewed but it cannot be activated until the specified payment is made.
  • Canceled - The ad was canceled by an administrator.