Adding a Course


Click the Add Course icon on the E-Learning Administration screen to add a new course.

Fill in the required fields with the course information. Choose a status for the course. While you're configuring the course, you may want to select Pending, so members can't sign up until you've finished setting up the course. When you've finished configuring the course, you can return to this screen to change the status to Active. In the future, you may return to this screen to change the status of the course to Closed if you stop offering the course.

Enter the course summary, which will be visible on the main E-Learning screen for users. You have the option to include a course evaluation, allowing students to evaluate the course upon completion. Choose the appropriate form from your Ad Hoc Forms library.

You can also upload credited and non-credited (or whichever terms you've added in Options) certificates. Certificates must follow the specified template. You can download a copy of the template Downloads. Be sure to follow the guidelines present in the template to ensure fields display properly on the resulting certificate for the member.

Note: If you want to create your own certificate from scratch, it must be 740x960 and allow for the member name and completion date int he specified areas.

Once you've added a course, there are a few more steps to complete, like adding course fees, documents and videos.

Course Description

Click the Formatted Description icon in the Maintain Column to add a detailed description of the course. The options in the Formatted Text Editor allow you to create a detailed description of the course with links, images and more. This description will be added to the main course page, and users can click an "Info" icon to view it.

Course Fees

Click the Fees icon to apply the appropriate fee for the course to each member type, and determine whether that member type receives a credited certificate, or a non-credited certificate.

Managing Course Documents

Click the Documents icon add any relevant course materials, or view previously added materials.

To add a new document, click the Add Document button. Various file types are supported. Add a title, description and author. You can also optionally add a preview image, like the cover page of an e-book.

Note: You cannot replace or edit existing documents. To replace a document, remove the original using the Delete icon, then add the updated document.

Managing Course Videos

Click the Videos icon to add a new video to the course, or view previously added videos.

To add a new video, click the Add Video button. You have the option to embed an external video (for example, from YouTube) or upload a video from your device. Choose the appropriate option, and either paste the embed code in the box, or upload the video from your device.

Note: The size limit for video uploads is 100MB, which is about the size of a five-minute video. If your course requires longer videos, we recommend you use a video hosting site like Vimeo or YouTube, then embed the videos into the course using the External Video option.

Note: Embedded MP4 files (along with mpeg, AAC, and wav files) that have been uploaded to our site and used for the E-Learning module should work across all modern platforms/browsers (i.e. not internet explorer 8). Beyond that, if a video format is not supported, and the user goes to view the video, there will now be a download link where the user can download the video to watch it locally on their machine. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

Determine whether the individual video will have an associated quiz. If you add a quiz, once the user has finished watching the video, they'll see the option to take the associated quiz. You don't have to associate a quiz with each video. See more information about Course Quizzes below. Finally, add an optional preview image for the video.

Each video can be edited using the Edit icon, for example, if you've updated the video. You can also remove videos from the course by permanently deleting them using the Delete icon or temporarily archiving the videos using the Archive icon.

You can also change the display sequence of the videos for users. This won't determine the sequence in which they can watch the videos, only the sequence in which they're displayed. If your course requires users to watch videos in a specific order, be sure to note that elsewhere.

Restricting Courses by Member Type

By default, all courses you create are available to all member types.To select specific member types the course will be available to, click the Member Types icon. Choose the member types from the available list, then click Save.

More on Course Quizzes

Quizzes are created using the built-in Ad Hoc Forms module. You can add questions to the form in the same way you create questions in many other areas, like Surveys and Additional Member Data. There are a few special notes to keep in mind:

  • Your quizzes must be restricted to Radio Button style questions

  • In order to process scores, you must designate a correct answer for each question. You can do this by adding a percentage (%) symbol before the correct answer in your list of answers for the question. See the example below.

  • Your Form must be Active in order to appear in the list of available forms for the course.