Ride Cue Sheet Manager

The Ride Cue Sheet Manager screen is where you'll add and manage cue sheets, run reports and configure settings for the module.


Cue Sheet Administration Screen

You can use the search panel to filter cue sheets by various fields. The search results grid includes the cue sheet name, location, various metrics, and status. The Maintain column includes options to edit, delete and copy the cue sheet.

The Reports button provides access to a simple listing report.

Click the Configure button to display a drop-down menu with options to configure counties, cities and module options.

The Counties button allows administrators to update the list of counties while the Cities button performs the same function for cities and towns where rides begin.

Configuring Module Options

Enter the keywords used to describe routes, and determine whether to allow counties listed in cue sheets. Further, determine which file extension uploads are permitted. You can also assign a ride coordinator to the module. The ride coordinator will

Adding a Cue Sheet

Clicking the Add Cue Sheet button displays the following popup form. A similar screen is shown when the Edit (pencil) icon is clicked.

Add/Edit Cue Sheet Popup

This screen allows administrators to add or edit the information on a cue sheet. You can also set a status for the cue sheet. Choose Draft to save your progress and return to edit the cue sheet later. Choose Active to display the cue sheet on your website. Choose Archive to remove the cue sheet from the user side of the module. You'll still be able to view the cue sheet from the Cue Sheets Administration screen, and you can reactivate it later.

When adding a new sheet, you can include a photo with the route, and a cue sheet in a file format specified on your screen. Click Save to save the new entry or changes or Cancel to close the dialog without saving.

Copying a Cue Sheet

Click the copy icon to copy the existing cue sheet to a new cue sheet. The new cue sheet will retain the original data, but will have a status of Submitted.