Row Templates

Custom pages and your home page are row-based. Each row contains one or more cells into which you add content to display on your pages.

Select Row Templates to see the following option:

Row Templates

The Row Templates option displays a pop-out screen with two tabs: Blank Rows and Combinations. To add a row to the canvas, select and drag the row to the canvas. If other rows are present on the canvas you can drag a new row between existing rows. Existing rows will automatically move down to accommodate the newly added row.

Row Details Screen

The dotted section in the top left corner of the row is used to move the row up or down on the canvas. Select and hold the dotted section to move the row.

The eyeball icon on the left side of the row is used to quickly adjust the visibility of the row.

Note: The default visibility is not visible for each newly added row.

For more information on visibility and other actions to take with rows, see Row Tools.