
Administrators: You are viewing User instructions for this module. For Administrator instructions, go here.

A typical Donations screen is shown below:

User Donations Screen

Each fund has a title and description plus, optionally, progress towards a target amount.

Make a Single Donation

Click the Donate button to make a donation. You will see a screen similar to the following:

Single Donation Screen

Logged in members see the screen above. Non-members (or members who have not yet logged in) see a set of fields to collect their name and basic contact information, followed by the Date and Donation $ Amount. There is also a prominent warning and link for members to login.

Non-members who have previously made a donation or attended a club event can search for their record in the non-member database, so that the new donation is linked to the existing record.

Some funds also allow the donation to be made anonymously. It will still be visible to club administrators, but they will know that it should be reported without your name. If the Anonymous option is set to “No”, you can specify how you want your name to appear in the Contribution Records.

Example: We specifically want to support the club’s efforts to educate the community about hot air ballooning.

The Donation Date field is editable for admins only; for all other users, it will show today’s date. Use the Comment field to attach a note to the donation; it will be included in the confirmation email and on donation reports.

The Contribution In option allows you to make a donation in honor of, in memory of, in thanks to, etc., another person or organization.

Make a Recurring Donation

Note: Only members will be able to set up recurring donations. Non-members will only have the option to donate once.

If your club or association allows recurring donations, members have the option to enter the number of donations you would like to make, as well as a start date for the first donation.

Recurring Donation Screen

Enter the number of times you wish to donate, including the date the donations should begin and how often the donations should occur. The date of your last contribution will be calculated automatically based on the previous information.

Logged in members see the screen above. Non-members (or members who have not yet logged in) see a set of fields to collect their name and basic contact information, followed by the Date and Donation $ Amount. There is also a prominent warning and link for members to login.

Some funds also allow the donation to be made anonymously. It will still be visible to club administrators, but they will know that it should be reported without your name. If the Anonymous option is set to “No”, you can specify how you want your name to appear in the Contribution Records.

Example: We specifically want to support the club’s efforts to educate the community about hot air ballooning.

The Donation Date field is editable for admins only; for all other users, it will show today’s date. Use the Comment field to attach a note to the donation; it will be included in the confirmation email and on donation reports.

The Contribution In option allows you to make a donation in honor of, in memory of, in thanks to, etc., another person or organization.