Volunteer Self-Signup

This function allows your volunteers to assign themselves for services requested by members. Many villages are comfortable allowing certain types of services to be self-selected by certain volunteers, without the village office and staff being involved.

Activation: This function was developed under a unique model: one village paid for it to be built. If other villages want to use it, there is a one-time fee of $600. Half of this fee is remitted back to the original village to reimburse them for their initial investment, while the other half is retained by ClubExpress to cover our time to convert the function for use by your village.

And please note that this option is available for any kind of customization. If your village needs a special function and you think that other villages might also be interested, we can build this function for you, for a fee, then make it available to other villages for a fee that is then partly remitted back to you to reimburse you for initially sponsoring the development cost. Who knows: if enough other villages are interested, you end up getting the feature for free!

Note: This option allows service providers to access open service requests on your website, and sign up (a "pull" model, where volunteers for requests are "pulled" in). Alternatively, the Automated Open Request Email allows you to automatically send a digest of open service requests to service providers in a "push" model (open service requests are "pushed" out to service providers via email). Service providers can see a list of open requests and optionally, a link to sign up directly from their email.