You can search forum messages from either the main Discussion Forums screen, or within a specific forum. Check out our tips below for better search results.
Choose a Search Type
All Words - Finds every message that includes all the specified words. You don't need to include "and" in this search; the system will automatically look for all words.
Any Word - Finds every message that includes any of the specified words. You don't need to include "or" in this search; the system will automatically look for messages including one or more of the words.
Exact Phrase - Finds every message that includes the exact phrase you entered.
Advanced (Boolean) - Build you own advanced search using common parameters
- AND, OR, NOT, and NEAR,
- () parentheses to indicate grouping,
- " " quotation marks to indicate an exact phrase, and
- * an asterisk to indicate a wildcard response. Note the wildcard search term needs to be enclosed in double quotes (for example, "bl*" to find both "black" and "blue").
Fuzzy - Use an internal thesaurus to search words with a similar meaning. You can't use Advanced search items (AND, OR, etc.) with Fuzzy search.