When the Continuing Education module is enabled, members will see a new choice on their Profile screen to manage their own certifications and credits with a link titled Continuing Education in the More Member Options section.
Selecting this option displays available certification(s), the member’s status for each one, and credits.
If the member holds a certificate and it’s time to renew, a Renew button will appear beside this certificate. Clicking this button launches the renewal wizard for that member. If the association has configured the system so that renewals cannot be done until credits are entered and approved, the system will show this warning message.
Select Renew All/Some Licenses to view all licenses expiring in the current calendar year.
Select the license(s) to renew. If payment is required, you will advance to the payment page to pay for license renewal. Each requested renewal will be submitted to an administrator for approval.
Apply for a Course
Users access Continuing Education from their member profile, or through the website menu, or by a direct link placed on the Home/Custom page.
Select Continuing Education Policies to view the policy for your organization.
Select My CE Units to navigate to the Continuing Education page in the member profile.
The system will detect the status of each certificate for you. If you do not hold a certificate, an Apply button is displayed. If do hold a certificate, or it’s up for renewal, or it has expired, this will also be indicated.