Your ClubExpress website supports different menus for public users and members who have logged into the system. The choices on each menu are often different; for example, the Benefits page and Member Signup modules are not typically shown on the member side of the website since there isn't any reason for members to see this information. On the other hand, most clubs and associations do not show the Member Directory module on the site's public side since this information should only be available to members.
You can also define different menus for different member types. Trial members may have limited access to the website (for example, they cannot see discussion forums), while business members might see different choices than families. If you give admins their member type, they could also have their menu.
The system also supports submenus, menu separators, and menu links to external websites.
Before starting to build your menus, take some time to lay them out on paper, deciding what should be on top-level menus and what should be on submenus. When you are ready, build your megu menus first, then submenus, and then they will be ready to be placed on the top-level menus.
You should also be careful not to provide back-door access to features not on a specific menu. For example, if Trial members cannot see discussion forums, don't provide a link to the forums in the body of a page elsewhere on the website; trial members would be able to click that link and end up in the forums anyway. Just because a module or page is not on the menu for a member type doesn't mean that it's not accessible to members through some other channel.