Navigate to the Control Panel > People Tab > Website Modules > Committees.
Click Add Committee.
Name, Description, and Information - Enter the name of the committee and a description of its purpose (up to 2000 characters). You can also choose an existing custom page to show more information on each committee.
Configure as a Subcommittee - Committees can have subcommittees; only one level is supported. When you define a subcommittee, you can specify the parent committee.
Channels - If your club or association has activated the mobile app, you will see a Create Channel option, allowing you to automatically create a mobile channel based on this committee. Members assigned to the committee will automatically be added to the channel.
Visibility - You can also control who can see the list of committee members and their photos (no one, members-only, or everyone). Members also control their personal information through their Member Directory settings.
Work Title - For associations that people join through their professional lives, the dialog will also ask if you want to Show Work Title information on the committee member cards.
Committee Emails - Determine who should be able to contact the committee as a whole via email on the user side of the module: no one, committee members only, or all club members. You can also set an email address for the committee, and committee members can determine if they'd like to be contacted via the committee email, their own email, or the email associated with their title (if applicable).
Private Work Groups - You can also determine whether a committee should be displayed on the user side of the module if you are using a committee to group and classify members and do not want the committee to be public-facing.
Limited Membership - The Limited Membership checkbox is used for committees with a defined number of members, such as a Board of Directors. If the Limited Membership box is not checked, you can configure a committee to allow members to add or remove themselves. With this option enabled, the committee behaves more like an interest within the Interests module. You can also configure a default Title to use for each new member.
Terms of Office - The Track Dates checkbox is used when you need to track terms of office for a committee.
You can assign each committee to a specific level if your club or association has subgroups.
If you need to edit the configuration of any committee later, find the committee on the Committees Manager page and click the Edit (pencil) icon.
Committees can be reordered using the Display Sequence button; however subcommittees cannot be reordered.