Navigate to the Control Panel > People Tab > Website Modules > Collectibles.
The Search Results are displayed in a grid with columns for the item’s ID, Name, and status, as well as the owner’s name if they are a member and member status.
Moving or Copying a Collectible
Click the Copy (clipboard) icon to move or copy a collectible to another person.
In the pop-up, choose Move to change the collectible's owner. You can move it to an unknown person if the owner is unknown and you use the module as a registry. You can also choose a member or non-member from your database.
Choose Copy to make a new copy of the Collectible and assign it to the same person, a different member or non-member, or an unknown owner.
Adding a New Collectible
If enabled in Options, members can add their own collectibles through their Member Profile.
Administrators and coordinators can also add collectibles and assign them to a person (or unknown owner).
Click the Add button, then choose the owner, a member, a non-member, or an unknown person. If the item belongs to a person, you'll choose the person and then fill in the information for the collectible. Administrators and coordinators see the same pages and questions members see.
Non-members can't add their own collectibles; an administrator or coordinator must add them.