First, you'll add Interest Categories, then you'll add Interests to the categories.
Navigate to the Control Panel > People Tab > Website Modules > Interests.
Adding Categories
Click the Add Category button.
Enter the category name and description. Both will be visible to members.
You can optionally limit the number of interests that members may sign up for by checking the box and entering a number. The system will enforce this maximum within the category for each member (but not for admins) registering for interests.
The following visibility options are available:
- Everyone – this category is visible to visitors and members.
- Members Only – This category is visible to members only.
- Admins Only – this category is visible to club administrators only. Use this option to create ad hoc mailing and emailing lists.
- Admins and Member Profile – this category is visible to administrators only and on the Member Profile. This option allows members to select an interest without showing this information to other members.
Adding Interests
Find the Interest Category, then click the Interests (tree) icon in the Maintain Column.
Click the Add Interest button to add additional individual interests.
You can specify the Interest name and detailed description when adding an interest. When editing an existing interest, you can also change the overriding category in which the interest appears.
If your club or association has activated the mobile app, you will see a Create Channel option, allowing you to create a mobile channel based around this interest group automatically. Members who join the interest group will automatically be added to the channel.
If you've added a relevant web page, choose the custom page to link to on the interest.
You can also choose a coordinator to manage the interest and serve as the contact (listed on the user side of the module). Finally, choose an image to represent the interest.