For virtual membership cards, members will see a Download Membership Card option on their individual Profile screens. When they click it, a card will be dynamically customized and displayed for them; they can download it as a PDF (to print the card) or as a JPG (to use on a mobile device).
To get started, we need two JPEG files.
- The first is the “blank” membership card that we’ll install in the system.
- The second is the same but with dummy data filled in. This will tell us what data should go where, font, size, etc.
Each file should be 1012px X 638px (3-3/8” x 2-1/8”, which is credit card size at 300px/in.) Your designer can use full color right up to the edges (no need for a border.)
If the designer uses any custom fonts, we will also need the True-Type font files for installing on our Windows-based servers.
We need to know whether the cards should be enabled for secondary and tertiary members belonging to your membership.
Some clubs use secondary memberships for spouses while others simply list the spouse information as part of the primary membership; if this is the case, let us know if spouse cards should be enabled.
If your organization offers business memberships, virtual membership cards for those members can show the business name above the member's name.