Navigate to the Control Panel > Communications Tab > Website Modules > News Articles.
Adding the Article
Select Add Article to add a new news article to your website.
For each item, specify the following items of information:
- Category, selected from the drop-down list;
- Active Date. This feature allows you to pre-load an announcement before releasing it. Defaults to today’s date.
- Expiration Date. After this date, the item will no longer be shown.
- Should this item be shown on the main News page? Many articles are not intended as press releases or announcements; instead, they are intended for use in emails or on the home page.
- Should the “Active Date” be shown on the News story. Check this box for a formal press release.
- Headline, Author name (who may not be the current admin) and Summary text (limited to 1000 chars.) Author defaults to the current user but can be changed to any name.
- Share Image allows you to upload an image that will be used if you share this news item on social networks such as Facebook.
- One or more tags. The tag field allows you to enter multiple words or phrases. Press [Enter] to add each word or phrase as a tag. If it matches one or more master tags, you will see a drop-down list to select that tag. You can also click the drop-down arrow to see a list of master tags, and the “x” on each tag to remove it. You may add a maximum of five (5) tags to any single news article.
- Visibility. Should this news item be visible to everyone or just members, or hidden completely.
Adding Content
Use the search panel to find the article you added, then click the Edit icon in the Maintain Column.
Use the text editor to add content to your article.