Credits can be issued automatically to members in certain instances, for example, if an event is canceled. You can also add a credit to a member's account for any other reason.
Credits can be manually added in several ways:
- Through Open Credits, shown below
- Through Multiple Misc. Charges/Credits (see Creating Miscellaneous Charges)
- In the People Manager, using the Charge/Credit icon in the Maintain Column
Navigate to the Control Panel > Money Tab > Admin Functions > Open Credits.
This screen shows open credits, including the date, member, description, status and amount. You can add a credit or edit an existing open credit.
Adding a Credit
Click Add Credit.
Editing Existing Credits
Find the credit, then click the Edit icon in the Maintain Column.
There are four available actions:
- Edit – change the various properties of the credit.
- Refund – mark the remaining balance of the credit as having been refunded to the member. Note that no credit is actually issued by ClubExpress; the actual refund must be handled by the club’s treasurer.
- Waive – this option marks the remaining balance of the credit as waived, which means that the member has elected not to use it.
- Cancel – if no part of the credit has been applied, this option deletes it. If the credit has been partially applied, the amount will be changed to the applied amount, canceling the remaining balance.
If your club or association has subgroups, subgroup administrators can access open credits but will only see credits for their members.
Financial Accounts can only be used to direct payments to multiple bank accounts if you are a ClubExpress Premium Payments user.