To sign up for ClubExpress, go to our website
In the blue bar below the header image, click the “Sign Up For a Free Trial” link.
The initial sign-up process takes approximately 5 minutes. A template website with one administrator account (you) is created. You are taken to the Member Login page to log in and are then walked through a short list of tasks. Once completed, your website will be in trial mode. You will see a Getting Started option in the upper right of the website that will take you to a page with helpful information and links.
About Your Club Short Name
Many organizations own their own Internet domain name, such as This name is used to find the club’s website on the web.
ClubExpress fully supports this type of domain name. In addition, ClubExpress supports an alternate method of finding your club’s website, the “Short Name”, also known as a SubDomain.
This method is used in three different ways:
When you are creating and configuring your account, before your Internet domain name has been pointed to your website.
For clubs and associations that don’t have their own Internet domain name, whether or not they enable “Always Secure” mode.
For clubs and associations that have their own domain name but choose not to purchase an SSL Certificate so that their website can always be displayed using https:// (“Always Secure” mode.) In this case, when members log in, we will switch to the subdomain format using the ClubExpress SSL Certificate.
The Short Name is the name you want to use for your organization’s sub-domain. This name may only contain letters and numbers, no spaces or punctuation characters. It must be unique among ClubExpress organizations and certain names are reserved by the system and cannot be used.
The Short Name cannot be changed while your website is in use. If you need to change it, do so at the very end of the evening, before finishing for the night. After the system is reset in the middle of the night, the new Short Name will be in effect.
Note also that the following is never correct:
Users do not need to put www. in front of the shortname.
To get back to this website, use the “Short Name” you specified during setup.