
The Collectibles module allows clubs and associations to track collectible items, such as cars, owned by members and, optionally, non-members.

A club admin will define a series of properties for each collectible item. An item can have as many properties as the club wants, with each property being in one of 25+ different formats. Properties are organized into pages.

Members (and admins) have the ability to define individual items within their “collections”.

Example: A Corvette owner who owns 6 Corvettes will define 6 items within his personal collection, completing the specified properties for each car. The module allows linking a photo or a pre-defined photo album to a collectible item. It also allows for properties that are only editable by an admin but visible to everyone.

A single item can be in the database multiple times.

Example: A car may change ownership over the years and be modified along the way, including a new engine or paint scheme. There is nothing inherent in the system that stops this car being listed multiple times under the same or different owners. Searching for this car using its reference number will display its complete history of owners and updates.

Some clubs may want to use this module as a formal “Registry”.

Example: Some vintage car clubs have records of every car manufactured and want to build such a registry to track each car’s history. They have the ability to assign collectible items to non-members or even to specify that the owner is “Unknown”.