Signing up for a club or association or renewing your membership requires you to go through the Member Signup and Renewal Wizard. The Wizard will vary depending on the settings and requirements chosen by the club administrators; you may not see all the options listed below. The information you enter at signup can be updated at any time through your Member Profile.
- Choose your member type
- Acknowledge the Privacy Agreement
- Fill in your basic contact information
- Answer additional questions from the club or association
- Provide any required attachments
- Add additional members to your membership (like family or business members)
- Choose a chapter
- Choose your username and password
- Select additional items for your membership (like a donation or keychain)
- Agree to the organization's joining agreement
Member Type
Choose your member type from the dropdown menu. If there are special notes for the membership, like if it renews automatically or allows for additional members, you'll see a note below the member type.
Privacy Agreement
In accordance with international privacy regulations, new members must certify that they have read the Privacy Policy, they agree to have their personal data stored and processed in the USA, to receive transactional messages from the organization (like payment confirmation notices), and to share their personal data with third parties for the official business of the organization (such as for credit card processing.)
If you disagree, you will not be permitted to continue the sign-up process.
Basic Contact Information
Fill in your basic contact information; fields with a red dot are required. Business Membership members will see a screen highlighting company data.
Additional Member Data
Some clubs and associations require members to answer questions outside basic contact info, like languages you speak or your work experience. Questions with a red dot are required.
Member Attachments
You may be required to upload files or images as part of signup. Check the legend at the top of the screen to determine which attachments are required, and which may require admin approval.
Member Interests
Your organization may define various interests used for communication preferences, events, committee membership and more. Expand the category panels and choose your interests.
Additional Members
If you selected a membership type that includes additional people (secondary and/or tertiary members), you can add them during signup. Click the Add button to add a member.
Chapter Selection
If your organization allows you to join one or more chapters, click the Add Chapter button to select a chapter. If your membership includes additional people, and they're part of a different chapter, you can choose a different chapter for them.
Username and Password
Select a username and password. Your organization may have specific criteria for your password (number of or type of characters); follow any on-screen guidelines for creating your password, or contact a club administrator for help.
Additional Charges
Your organization may offer additional items to add to your membership, like a clubhouse locker. Some items may be required as part of signup, like an initiation fee.
Joining Agreement
If your organization has added a special joining agreement, for example, a Release Agreement for a rock-climbing club or a Code of Ethics for a chamber of commerce.
If your membership requires approval by the club or association Board, Your application is saved for administrative review. You won't be required to pay until your membership is approved.
If payment is due when you sign up, you may be able to pay online using various methods. See Making a Payment for help making an online payment.
If you choose a membership that renews automatically, you're required to save a credit card to your profile.