Your organization may allow you to request reimbursement for items purchased for the club, courses attended and more. You can submit and manage your requests in your Member Profile.
Navigate to your Member Profile. In Histories, select Expense Reimbursements.
Click Add Request to add a new reimbursement request.
Enter the required information. Contact details are auto-filled with information from your Member Profile, but you can make changes if needed.
The Project field can be used to identify the expense as related to a past event. You can also enter in a separate project or task name.
Enter the details for the line item, then click Add to add the item to the request. Each request can include multiple line items; continue until you've added all the items.
Your organization may require supporting documentation, like a receipt or purchase order. Attach the documents to your request.
To save your request as a draft to review later, select Save (Pending). Administrators will be able to view your request, but they won't be able to approve or decline it.
To submit your request for approval, select Submit. You'll receive an email once the request has been approved or declined.