Text messages can be sent to complex distribution lists, such as "all active members of a specified type + members of two specified committees + non-members in the Press category + the following three individuals." You can also save these distribution lists for use at any time. ClubExpress builds the list dynamically when each text message is about to be sent, so it's' always up-to-date. The system automatically removes duplicates so that each recipient receives only one text message, even in multiple parts of the distribution list.
Note that distribution lists with multiple options act using "OR" conditions; each option is additive to the list.
Select Configure – Saved Distribution Lists to create, view, and edit your saved lists. Lists can also be created and saved when creating a new text message.
Click the Add Distribution List button to create a new list.
Select an option from the To drop-down list. In some cases, a panel will appear underneath to configure additional settings. You can also type in the To field to quickly search for keywords like "committee.""
Click the Add button to add each To option to your distribution list. If you make a mistake, click the Remove (trashcan) icon to remove this option from your list. When you are done, specify a name for your list and click the Save button.
On the Distribution Lists main screen, click the Edit icon to modify an existing distribution list or the Delete icon to remove a list.
Adding a distribution list in Text Messaging also adds the same list to Emailings and In-App Notifications (for mobile App users) and vice versa. However, you may only edit or delete the list through the module that created it.