If a forum member violates your forum or website policy, you can choose to moderate their messages or ban them from the forum.
Moderating their messages means each time the member posts, the forum moderator is notified and must review and approve their message before it's posted.
Banning a member prohibits them from participating in the forum or viewing forum messages. It also prevents them from rejoining the forum through another means (rejoining an interest group or committee).
Both of these actions can be reversed.
Navigate to the Control Panel > Communications Tab > Website Modules > Discussion Forums.
Find the Forum in which you want to manage the members and click the Members icon in the Maintain Column.
By default, the search will show only Special Members (moderators, banned and moderated members).
If your forum has a lot of members (like an all-members forum), we don't recommend clicking Show All Members and running a search, as it may take a while to return results. Search for the member individually instead.
Moderating a Member
Find the member and click the Edit icon in the Maintain Column for the member.
Select the status Moderated to change the member's status.
Banning a Member
Find the member and click the Edit icon in the Maintain Column for the member.
Select the status Banned to change the member's status.