Administrators, coordinators, and forum moderators (for the forum) will see additional Admin options for each thread in a forum.
Click the Edit icon to manage a thread.
- Change the subject of the thread
- Pin the thread to the top of the forum - The thread will display with a different background color to highlight the thread, and will always remain at the top of the forum thread list. This option is often used for frequently asked questions, or for a message explaining thread policies.
- Change the thread to read-only and lock all further replies - This option is often used in conjunction with the pin option, to create a read-only thread at the top of the forum.
- Move the thread to a different forum - The whole thread, including all replies, is moved to the new forum. This option is often used to move commercial messages to a special forum.
- Delete the thread - This option is not generally recommended; if someone posted an objectionable or inappropriate message, it is often better to remove it to a hidden forum for audit purposes or to protect the club. You will be prompted to confirm this action.