You may receive an email notice that moderated messages are ready for review. You can also see a banner at the top of the user side of forums.
Click Inappropriate message(s) have been reported.
- Select the Approve icon to approve the message.
- Select the Delete icon to
- delete the message,
- delete the message and all replies,
- move the message to a new thread, or
- move it to a new forum.
You also have the option to email the original poster with details regarding your decision to delete or move the post.
- Select the Edit icon to edit the message. You will see the message editor to change its content. This option is available so that you can fix problems before approving the message.
- Select the Manage Forum Status icon to view the Forum Member Info dialog box and change the member's forum status to moderated or banned.
- Select the Configure icon to view the Member Status dialog box and to change the membership status to Freeze, Drop, or Expire.