In this section, the data categories are listed using the original name of the category, however the names may be different than what you see on your website if you have renamed the related website modules.
Some of the data described here (Special Data Categories) may not be available if you have not enabled or purchased the related website modules on your website.
In some cases, the report system will allow you to add a combination of data categories which do not belong together and can cause your report to take a long time to run or fail entirely. Several important notes related to this are included in the instructions below; please read and follow these warnings to get the best results. If you find that you need to ignore a warning in order to get a certain field on a report, please let us know so we can resolve the issue.
Common Data Categories
Category | Description |
Members, Sub-Members, Non-Members, Users | These all have the same set of fields with different filters. Members include all members, whether active, expired, or dropped. Sub-members include only secondary and tertiary members—primary members are excluded. Non-Members include all active non-member records. Users include all members and non-members. You will generally use the Users data category when reporting on transactions, events, or anything where members and non-members can be involved. If you are creating a report where only Users data is available but want to limit the report to members or non-members only, you can apply a filter (true or false) to the ‘Is Member?’ field. In Members data, you can limit the results to primary, secondary, and/or tertiary members by applying a filter on the ‘Member Level’ field. You can also select only active members, and/or expired members, or any combination of status codes by applying a filter on the ‘Status’ field. Some data categories are linked to both User and Member data. Linking to User data will give you a complete report of all data. Linking to Member data will limit the report data to members only. This is mostly useful if you need to include Member Additional Data in the report (which is unavailable for non-members). Please do not include both Members and Users (or Non-Members and Users) in the same report – this can cause the report to attempt to access and possibly display more data than is necessary and will take longer to run. |
Members, Sub-Members: Visibility Code | The Visibility Code field contains the member's choice for how their directory information is displayed. |
Mailing List Categories | Includes all mailing list categories. Linked to Members, Non-Members, and Users data. We suggest putting the category name in a group header. If you put it in the details section, you may want to use the ‘Suppress Duplicates’ feature on that cell. There are a number of mailing list categories which are built-in to the system, and you can also create your own. The ‘System or Local?’ field allows you to see or select which type of category you want. Categories which do not have any users attached will not appear on your reports. |
Member Additional Data | This includes the additional data you defined for your membership, beyond the basic contact info. Linked to Members data. |
Member Addresses | This includes both the primary and secondary addresses for members (and nothing else). This is different from the regular member data, which includes only the address which the member has designated as current. |
Achievements | A simple list of achievements and dates. Can be used with Members data. |
Interests and Interest Members | Interests include the interests and categories you have defined for your members to join. Interest Members is a list of the members within each Interest, including basic contact info. If you need more than the basics, you can include Members data to get everything. |
Contact Log | Includes fields for contact category, type, description, etc. Only available if you have purchased the Contact Log module. |
Category | Description |
Events | Includes data about events – name, date and time, location etc. The ‘Event Id (filter only)’ field is available to easily select a single event to report on. Use the ‘Filters’ button at the top right corner of the page to select the event you want. On the report, set a filter using the ‘CurrentEventId’ filter function. Several of the data categories for events have the ‘Event Id (filter only)’. Use them all in the same way (note that you only need one per report). Please see the ‘ClubExpress Filters’ section of the Ad Hoc Reporting Manual for a more detailed explanation and demonstration of how this works. |
Activities | The activities and items within the event. Also includes the internal event id field to use for filtering. This is used to create a list of activities to document events – it should not be used with registrations or registrants. |
Registrations | The registrations for events, including the date and time, the registration fee, status, and the name of the primary registrant. Also includes the internal event id field to use for filtering. |
Registrants | The registrants contained in a registration, including the name, registrant type, and a couple of other basic info fields. Linked to the Registration and Event data categories. Can also link to Users data to get more detailed personal and contact info. |
Registrant Activities | The activities and items selected by each registrant. This includes activity/item info and is linked to Registrants and Activity Registrants. This is used when you want to see registrants with a list of their activities/items (sort-of the opposite of Activity Registrants). |
Activity Registrants | For each registrant signed up for an activity/item, this includes the fee info and the ‘Attended?’ flag. This is used when you want to see activities/item with a list of registrants (sort-of the opposite of Registrant Activities). |
Registration Answers, Registrant Answers, Activity Registrant Answers | Contains answers to questions set up at the registration, registrant, and activity registrant levels. These are linked to the corresponding data categories (Registrations, Registrants, and Activity Registrants). |
Event Coordinator | Contacts assigned to an event, including name, email and cell phone number. Links to the Events data category and can also link to users if you require more detailed information on the event coordinator(s). |
Registrant Attachments | Attachment metadata associated with events and event categories. |
Category | Description |
ClubExpress Transactions | Includes info on transactions with ClubExpress – fee collection, credit card fees, logistics, etc. |
Bank Account Transactions – Fees | Includes withdrawals from your bank account covering ClubExpress fees: monthly membership, credit card processing, logistics, etc. Linked to ClubExpress Transactions for detailed info. |
Bank Account Transactions – Remits | Includes deposits to your bank account(s) for money collected from credit card transactions or check processing. |
Remit Transaction Details | Details for bank account deposits: transactions, payments, and financial account. |
Remit Payments With CC Fees | Details on credit card fees for bank account deposits. |
ClubExpress Billing | Includes ClubExpress fee transactions for customers who are not able to use a bank account. Linked to ClubExpress Transactions for detailed info. |
Membership Fee Details | A history of your membership billing, by month. Includes member counts, fees charged, and non-member fee info. |
User Transactions | Includes all transactions from members and non-members: date, amount, description, status, etc. Linked to Users data. |
User Transaction Items | Items list for User Transaction data. |
User Transactions By Account | A different view of transactions, including item details and financial account. Linked to Users data. |
User Payments | A different view of user payments, including financial account. Linked to Users data. |
User Payments By Account | Another view of user payments, linked with the related transactions. Linked to Users data. |
Payments with Transactions | Another view of user payments, linked with the related transactions. Linked to Users data. |
User Credits | Includes all credits issued to members and non-members: date, amount, description, etc. Linked to Users data. |
User Credit Usage | Details on how user credits were applied to other transactions, or otherwise resolved. Linked to User Credits data. |
Donations | Detailed info on donations received by your organization. Linked to Users and User Transactions. |
Category | Description |
Committees and Committee Members | Includes data on committee and members. Linked to Users data for detailed info on members. |
Officers | List of organization officers (president, treasurer, etc). Linked to Users data for detailed info. |
News | All news articles including headline, summary, post and active dates, etc. Linked to Users data to include contact information for the member who posted the article. |
Category | Description |
Survey Questions | List of surveys and questions, including survey name, question name, question type, etc. This is used to document what is included in a survey. |
Survey Responses | User responses to a survey, including survey name, question name, question type, answer, user comments, etc. Linked to Users data. If a survey response is anonymous, no user data will be found. |
Survey Answer Summary | A summary of answers which have a defined set of possible responses (select list, true/false, checkbox, radio buttons). Includes the question name, the answer value, and the number of responses received. |
Category | Description |
Blogs | Includes a list of all blogs define on your site with their interesting properties. Linked to Blog Posts and Users (for blog author info). A blog may have multiple authors. If you run a report, you will see repeated rows for each blog which has more than one author. |
Posts | Includes all posts with title, date, and summary info. There is a ‘Tags’ field, which includes a comma-separated list of tags attached to the post. You can use this for filtering your post report by using a ‘Contains’ filter. Links to Blogs, Tags, Comments, and Users (for author info). The full text of the blog posts is not included. |
Post Tags | An individual list of tags attached to each post. This provides an alternate way to filter your posts by tags. When filtering on this field, you can use the dropdown list to see a list of the individual tags available. Links to Posts. A post may have multiple tags. You will see multiple rows on your report if you join this to the Posts data without filtering or grouping. |
Post Comments | Includes all comments made on a post. Since a post may have many comments, we suggest using this only when you have a report filtered to a single post, or else grouping by post. Links to Posts and Users (for comment author data, when available). |
Category | Description |
Documents | Includes all uploaded documents, including title, description, file name, file format, average rating, etc. There is a ‘Tags’ field, which includes a comma-separated list of all tags attached to the document. You can use this for filtering your post report by using a ‘Contains’ filter. Links to Document Folders, Comments, Ratings, Tags, and Users (for detailed info on the member who uploaded the file). |
Document Folders | Includes all folders (or categories) with name, description, and various properties. The Visibility field tells you how the folder visibility is configured. If you are using committee or subgroup visibility, the Visibility Selection field includes the name of the committee or subgroup selected. The Calculated Visibility Selection field shows the actual visibility on the website. A folder’s configured visibility may be modified by its parent folders, so this field (and the Calculated Visibility Selection field) show this. Links to Documents. |
Document Folder Structure | Shows the document folder structure as displayed on the website. Sort by the Path field to see the proper display order (there is no need to place the Path field on your report – it will be meaningless to users). Use the Spaces function with the folder name field to create indentation to see the structure. See the Document Folders shared report to how this is done. Links to Document Folders. To match the structure you see on the website, you will need to explicitly set a display sequence for all folders. |
Document Comments | Includes all comments entered by members for each document. Links to Documents and Users (for comment author data, when available). |
Document Ratings | Includes detailed ratings entered by members for each document. Links to Documents and Users. Documents data includes the average of all rating. |
Document Tags | An individual list of tags attached to each document. This provides an alternate way to filter your documents by tags. When filtering on this field, you can use the dropdown list to see a list of the individual tags available. Links to Documents. A document may have multiple tags. You will see multiple rows on your report if you join this to the Documents data without filtering or grouping. |
Special Data Categories
This includes data used by only certain customers, or in extra-cost modules. If these data categories are not relevant to your organization, they will not be included on your ad hoc reports page.
Ad Hoc Forms
Category | Description |
Forms | List of surveys and questions, including survey name, question name, question type, etc. This is used to document what is included in a survey. |
Questions | User responses to a survey, including survey name, question name, question type, answer, user comments, etc. Linked to Users data. If a survey response is anonymous, no user data will be found. |
User Responses | Users who have completed a form, including the response date, status, and review comments. This data category does not include the user's answers; to include user answers select User Answers. If using User Responses, do not include Answer Summary Response or Questions in the same report. |
User Answers | The answers attached to each response – each answer includes the question name and the user’s comments (if any). Linked to User Responses. |
Answer Summary | A summary of answers which have a defined set of possible responses (select list, true/false, checkbox, radio buttons). Includes the question name, the answer value, and the number of responses received. Linked to Forms data. |
Answer Summary Response (Old Version) | The original data category for user responses which includes the data from both User Responses and User Answers. Using two separate data categories allows for a more flexible way to report on Ad Hoc Forms, however this options was left in place to ensure older reports could still function. If using Answer Summary Responses, do not include User Responses or Questions in the same report. |
Category | Description |
Collectible Items | General info on collectible items, including owner name, date purchased, item name, etc. Linked to Users data. Some collectibles may not be assigned to a member or non-member, so no additional user data will be available. |
Collectible Details | The detailed fields you have defined for collectible items. Linked to Collectible Items. |
Continuing Education
Category | Description |
Certificates | General info on the certificates available – name, description, points required, etc. |
Certificate Fees | The fees charged to members and non-members for new and renewed certificates. Linked to Certificates. |
Course | The courses available to users to take and earn points. Includes name, description, location, provider, etc. |
Point Type and Point Type Category | The types of points available to be earned by users. Includes name, prompt text, etc. The Category data is used to organize point types. |
Points | The points earned by a user. Includes the number of points and how they were earned. Linked to Users, Course, and Point Type. |
Applicant Certificate | The certificate applied for and earned (or declined) for users. Include certificate name, dates, certificate number, etc. Linked to Certificate and Users. |
Resource Scheduler
Category | Description |
Resources | The two data categories Resources and Resource Categories are nearly identical. Resources can inherit properties from their categories, but they can also override certain properties if needed. The resource data here will include the category values unless they have been overridden by editing the individual resource. These two data categories are linked together. Resources are also linked to Reservation items. |
Resource Categories | Includes the inividual items within reservations, the resource, time period, and fee. Linked to Reservations and Resource data. |
Reservation Items | Includes the individual items within reservations, the resource, time period, and fee. The report designer will not allow you to filter by the "time" fields. If you do need to filter by time of day, use the fields which include dates. Linked to Users data and Reservation Items. |
Reservations | Includes dates, fees, registrants, etc. for resource reservations. Each reservation may contain one or more items. Linked to Users data and Reservation Items. |
Reservation Items | Includes the inividual items within reservations, the resource, time period, and fee. Linked to Reservations and Resource data. |
Category | Description |
Products | Includes product data: name, price, status, etc. |
Inventory | Product inventory data: quantity, color, size, etc. Linked to Product data. |
Orders | Order placed in the storefront, including date, status, etc. Linked to Users data. |
Order Items | Items on storefront orders. Linked to Orders and Inventory. |
Category | Description |
Services | Available services, including name, category, notes, etc. |
Service Providers | Service providers, including contact info, provider type, vetting status, etc. Linked to Users data for detailed contact data. |
Service Provider Vettings | Vettings done for each service provider. Linked to Service Providers data. |
Provider Services | The services which are available from each service provider. Linked to Services and Service Providers data. |
Service Requests | Services requested by members, including service type, date-time, address, etc. Linked to Members data for detailed info on the requesting member. Linked to Services data for info on the service type. |
Service Request Providers | Links service requests to the provider(s) filling the request. Includes status, rating, expenses, etc. |
Category | Description |
Opportunities | Includes info on opportunities: name, address, contact, status, etc. Linked to Events data, for opportunities that are tied to an event. |
Opportunity Slots | The slots to be filled in each opportunity. Linked to Opportunities data. |
Opportunity Volunteers | General info on volunteers attached to an opportunity, including name, email, phone, etc. Use Slot Volunteers to see the actual slots that these volunteers are filling. Linked to Users data to get more detailed info. |
Slot Volunteers | Volunteers attached to a specific slot within an opportunity. Includes name, contact info, hours, etc. Linked to Users data to get more detailed info. |
Organization Info in Formulas
Some info on your organization is available in formulas. To access in an advanced report, right click on the report cell, and select Insert > Formula. In the function popup, scroll down in the list of functions until you see ‘Organization Info’. In an ExpressView, right click on a column and select ‘Convert to Formula’. The available fields are:
- Currency Symbol (as defined on the Money Options page on the website)
- Logo (as set on the Club Logo page on the website)
- Member Name – the name of the member currently running a report
- Organization Name – the public name of your organization
- Tax ID (as defined in Money Options)
Multi-Tier Organizations
ClubExpress supports two types of multi-tier organizations. If you have a single website and ClubExpress account, and have your membership assigned to multiple chapters (or subgroups, regions, or whatever you call them), then you have what we call a ‘Model One’ organization. You may have a single level of chapters, or you may further organize your chapters into higher groupings (up to three levels under your main account level. We refer to all three levels generically as ‘subgroups’. The lowest level group, we often refer to as ‘chapters’ (though you are free to name them as you wish).
If you have multiple websites and ClubExpress accounts, but still organize into a hierarchical grouping, you have what we call a ‘Model Two’ organization. We refer to the lowest level as ‘affiliates’. This is typically where the vast majority of the membership is found. The higher level(s) we refer to as ‘parents’.
Model One
Category | Description |
Member Subgroups (Filter Only) | You can include this data category in a report to enable you to filter results by a specific subgroup (chapter, district, or whatever designations you use), or to connect users to their subgroups (see the ‘Chapters’ item below). This does not include any data by itself – it is just used to select (or filter) the subgroup(s) you want to include. The Chapter Id field refers to the chapter to which the member actually belongs (the lowest level). The Subgroup Id field refers to higher level groupings above the chapter level. For organizations with only one level, Chapter Id and Subgroup Id are the same thing. Note that in some cases, members may belong to multiple chapters. This can sometimes result members appearing more than once in a report. Depending on the report, you may be able to resolve this by grouping on member, or by using the suppress duplicates feature. You will find this in the ‘Membership’ section of data categories on your report. |
Subgroups | This includes all your sub-level entities, with name, address, and contact info. This can be joined to Members and Users data by linking through the Member Subgroups (Filter Only) data (in the Membership section – see that section for more detailed info on this). Linked to Subgroups and Organization Hierarchy data. You will find this in the ‘Organization’ section of data categories on your report. |
Organization Hierarchy | This includes all subgroups and levels, and a path field used to sort to produce a hierarchy chart. The category does not include the top level (the ClubExpress account level). Linked to Subgroups data for more information on each subgroup, and to Subgroup Fees. See the Organization Hierarchy shared report for an example using this data. |
Subgroup Fees | Includes member type and fee amounts for primary, secondary and tertiary members for each subgroup. Linked to Subgroups and Organization Hierarchy data. |
Model Two
You will find all of these data categories in the ‘Organization’ section. Note that these data categories are available only to the upper levels of the organization. If an affiliate signs up for ad hoc reporting on their own, they will have access only to their own local data (as described in the sections above).
Note that the lower level data available is limited to people, affiliates, and officers. You will not be able to access transactions, event data, committees, etc which are available solely at the lower levels.
Category | Description |
Affiliates | Affiliates are the lowest level accounts in your organization. Includes name, address, contact info. This category also includes the higher level groups in your organization, so that you can get full reports of membership if needed. Use the ‘Org. Level’ field (values ‘Affiliate’ or ‘Parent’) to distinguish. |
Organization Members, Organization Non-Members, Organization Sub-Member, Organization Users | These are identical to the Members, Sub-Members, Non-Members, and Users data categories described in the Membership section above, except that they include all people in your organization, at your level and below. When you run reports on transactions, or events, and whatever else that can include people from lower levels, use these data categories. If you want to limit you report strictly to people at your own level, use the Members, Sub-Members, Non-Members, and Users data categories in the Membership section. |
Organization Officers | Similar to the ‘organization…’ data categories above, this category gives you access to the officers of the affiliates below your level. If you want to see offices at your level only, use the ‘Officers’ data category. |