Navigate to the Control Panel > Money Tab > Website Modules > Expense Reimbursements.
You'll use the options in the Maintain Column to manage requests. The options you see will vary depending on the request status.
Status | Options | Notes |
Pending | View | The member saved the request as a draft, but hasn't submitted it for reimbursement. |
Submitted | View; Review/Approve/Reject |
The member has submitted the request for approval. You can view the request, approve the request with or without changes, or reject the request. Approving the request updates the status to Approved-1. |
Approved-1 | View; Review/Approve/Reject OR Pay |
If your organization only requires one approval, you can view the request, or mark the request as paid and include payment notes. Marking the request as paid updates the status to Paid. If your organization requires two approvals, you can view the request, approve the request with or without changes, or reject the request. Approving the request updates the status to Approved-2. |
Approved-2 |
View; Pay | You can view the request, or mark the request as paid and include payment notes. |
Paid | View; Edit | You can view the request, along with any attachments, or edit the payment notes. |
Rejected | View | You can view the request. The requesting member can edit the request from their member profile and resubmit it, or delete it. |
The Approve screens allow administrators to enter notes about the request, specify an Approved dollar amount (which might be different from the claimed amount), and view supporting documentation. The Pay screen allows administrators to record a payment, including the amount paid, check number, and date paid. The Edit screen allows administrators to write payment notes only.
Depending on your settings in Reimbursement Options, reimbursement requests will require one or two approvals before a payment can be made.If you require two approvals, they can be made by the same person. The name of each Approver is recorded in the reimbursement request.
When a request is Submitted, First Stage Approvers (or, the First Stage Approvers matching the submitting member's subgroup) are notified. When a Submitted request is approved, the status changes to Approved-1. At this stage, if your organization requires an additional approval, all Second Stage Approvers (or, the Second Stage Approvers matching the submitting member's subgroup) are notified. If/when the request is approved a second time, the status changes to Approved-2.
Once a request has been approved the required number of times, administrators, coordinators, and Approvers can mark the request as Paid, and include notes related to the payment (for example, tracking info for a mailed check). Once a request has been paid, you'll no longer be able to make changes, but you can still add notes to the request.
Requests can be approved with or without changes to the claimed amount, and with or without notes. Requests can also be Rejected; when a request is rejected the notes included are visible to the member, so they can make changes and resubmit the request if necessary.
Approving Requests
Members cannot approve their own requests, even if they are configured as administrators or Approvers.
Clicking the Review/Approve/Reject icon displays the request details and allows you to edit the claimed amount before approving it. You can also include admin notes visible to the requesting member.
Click Approve-1 to approve the request (either as-is, or with changes/notes). Click Reject to reject the request and return it to the member. If you included notes, they'll see the notes in their returned request.
When a request has been approved and is ready for payment, click the Pay icon to mark the request as paid.
Clicking the Pay icon and marking the request as paid will not automatically apply a credit to the member, or remit payment to the member. You may wish to mail a physical check and include the payment details in the request notes. You can also apply the credit to the member's account in the People Manager by applying a Charge/Credit or Open Credits.
When you mark the request as Paid, the status is updated, and the requesting member receives an email.