After you elect to use QBO on the Money Options page, you must spend time updating several areas of your website to include QBO account names, classes and items names. Take care to record these names exactly as they appear in your QuickBooks® Online account. If names are misspelled on the ClubExpress side, QBO will assume the account, item or class does not exist and will create the account, item or class for you.
It's also important to continue to refresh the data maintained by ClubExpress if you make any changes on the QBO side. This reduces the number of errors you may receive and decreases the likelihood of accounts, customers and items being created if they don't match at the time of a data transfer.
In QBO, everything that can be "sold" to a customer is defined as either a product or a service. You have the option to define each transaction item as either, and ClubExpress will use your definitions. ClubExpress refers to these products or services as items.
You might define an event registration as a Service whereas an E-Commerce Storefront purchase would be a product.
For each type of transaction, ClubExpress gives you a place to define the QuickBooks® Item Name, and this can be a Product or Service. When the import takes place, we will match on the name itself.
If you enter an item name at the transaction level and it does not exactly match any of the products or services you have defined in QuickBooks the QuickBooks® Item Name, the system will create a new product or service within QBO and you will need to manually correct it there.
If you disable then enable an Item on the QBO side, you will need to perform a QBO=>CE data transfer again to match the new ID.