After you elect to use QBO on the Money Options page, you must spend time updating several areas of your website to include QBO account names, classes and items names. Take care to record these names exactly as they appear in your QuickBooks® Online account. If names are misspelled on the ClubExpress side, QBO will assume the account, item or class does not exist and will create the account, item or class for you.
It's also important to continue to refresh the data maintained by ClubExpress if you make any changes on the QBO side. This reduces the number of errors you may receive and decreases the likelihood of accounts, customers and items being created if they don't match at the time of a data transfer.
ClubExpress will transfer class information if you are using QuickBooks® classes. Classes are used to categorize income and expenses in different ways.
In ClubExpress, check “Enable class tracking” on the Control Panel – Money Options page. When you do this, the Financial Account screens in ClubExpress also allow you to specify a class for each financial account.
Classes are transferred only for Income and Expense accounts.
Even though QuickBooks® allows you to specify a class for Accounts Receivable (Invoices and Credit Memos), ClubExpress will not transfer a class value for Accounts Receivable. The reason is that a user transaction or user credit might affect multiple accounts, each of which could be in different classes. So we cannot definitively assign an Accounts Receivable to a single class. But if you want classes assigned to the Accounts Receivable lines, you can always add them manually afterward.