Navigate to the Control Panel > Website Tab > Setup > Look & Feel.
In the Site Editor Toolbar, click Custom CSS.
Type (or copy and paste) your styles into this text box and click Save to save your changes, or Cancel to close the dialog without saving. Enter styles only; do not enter <style> tags or any HTML or JavaScript.
We recommend that you keep a local copy of your styles. Note that there is no validation performed; the contents of the box will be saved and applied to your site exactly as entered. To remove all custom styling, click inside the box, then press [Crtl-A] (or [Command-A] on a Mac) to highlight the complete contents, and press [Delete]. If you make a catastrophic error and cannot see anything on the website, call ClubExpress and we can delete your custom CSS.
To see which elements of a typical page to modify, you can either view the source code of the page to find the <include> statements at the top, or use the element inspector of your browser.
ClubExpress cannot provide support for custom CSS. This feature is for experienced website designers only.