Navigate to the Control Panel > Website Tab > Setup > Fonts.
ClubExpress provides a powerful feature to allow you to use custom fonts anywhere on your website. More than 80 web fonts are available to be used on the home page, custom web pages, event descriptions, emailings, and anywhere else that the advanced content editor is used.
On the left is a list of available fonts. On the right are the fonts selected for your website. Click the left and right arrows to move fonts from one side to the other, or the double-arrow to “de-select” all selected fonts. Click Save to save your selections and return to the Control Panel, or Cancel to return without saving.
You can also click the View button to see a standard popup showing the full character and number set for the font, including different sizes. Note that not every font has bold and italic versions.
There is an overhead for loading special web fonts. Each font referenced on a page will add a little to the time it takes for that page to load. We recommend not adding more than 3-5 custom fonts to your website.