Navigate to the Control Panel > Club Tab > Setup > Organization Data.
Click Configure Organization Data.
The number of levels in your organization is preset. Email our Support team if you need this changed.
In the Subgroup Security Options panel, specify whether subgroup admins should be able to edit member information or whether they have read-only access. This option primarily affects the Control Panel – People Manager and Profile screens. Some clubs and associations have a central office with staff who can help members update their information, and local chapter or district admins should not be editing this information. You can also specify whether subgroup admins can view financial information, including member transaction and payment histories, reports and data exports, and whether subgroup admins can assign members to subgroups.
If the option to allow Subgroup Admins to assign members to a subgroup is enabled, chapter or district admins can add members to their chapter or district. This option is useful when chapters are used as a type of interest group. When this option is enabled, a new button appears in the People Manager to allow members to be assigned to a subgroup.
Finally, specify whether Subgroup Admins can approve prospective members. If member types are configured to require approval, when a member signs up their status is set to Prospective as they await approval by your Board. This status can be changed by selecting the status link for the member in the People Manager and approving or declining the member. If this option is not enabled for Subgroup Admins, the top level Administrators will be required to approve or deny memberships. Further, if Subgroup Admins cannot approve or decline members they will not see the Add Member and Member Options buttons within the People Manager.