Navigate to the Control Panel > Club Tab > Setup > Name & Description.
This screen allows you to enter basic information about your organization:
- Official name
- Short Name (up to 18 chars, no spaces)
- Year founded
- Purpose
- Official organization phone, fax and email address
- Default contact person, phone and email address
- Legal name, state of incorporation and tax status, if appropriate.
- FEIN number, if appropriate. When this number is defined, it will be added to invoices and receipts.
You can also enter up to three addresses:
- The “Official” address for the club, where general correspondence should be mailed.
- A separate address used on invoices, where checks and other financial correspondence should be mailed.
- A geocoding “mapping” address which will appear when the Google Maps link on the Contact Us page is clicked. This might be the address of a clubhouse or a facility where the club regularly meets. You also have the option of showing or hiding this Google Maps link.
Use the Copy Address buttons to replicate an address across all three panels.