Navigate to the Control Panel > Club Tab > Setup > Name & Description.
The Short Name provides an alternative way for members to access your club or association through the Internet. Some organizations own their own Internet domain, for example:
Once this domain is configured in ClubExpress, it can be used to access your ClubExpress website. However, if you have configured ChicagoCorvettes as your Short Name, the following Internet domain name can also be used to access your organization:
This feature especially supports clubs or associations that do not own their own domains.
The Short Name cannot be changed while your website is in use. If you need to change it, do so at the very end of the evening, before finishing for the night. After the system is reset in the middle of the night, the new Short Name will be in effect.
The Purpose field is automatically placed in the HTML header of all public pages. Many Internet search engines read this header and use it to index your club or association, so that people searching for a specific type of club can find it. We recommend that you complete this field as fully as possible, listing the purpose of your organization as well as the areas from which you draw members. Use complete sentences rather than a list of keywords, but try to include as many keywords as possible that describe your organization.