Administrators and coordinators use product categories to organize products, and by Storefront visitors to view and search for products.
Navigate to the Storefront - Product Manager.
Click Configure - Categories.
Click the Add Category button to create a new category.
Enter a category and its visibility.
Selecting Inactive as the visibility setting for a product category will remove all products in that category from the user side of the Storefront. These products will only be visible to administrators and coordinators.
Click the Edit icon to edit a category and visibility, or the Delete icon to remove a category. You can also click the Display Sequence button to show the standard ClubExpress sequence dialog, to control the order in which categories are displayed on the Category View screen.
You can only delete a category if no products are assigned to it.
If you change the visibility settings of a category to Members Only, but a product with that category is set to be available to non-members, you will see an error message next to the name of each product.