Click the Add Product button to add a new product to your storefront.
The following information can be entered for each product:
- Partial SKU (Stock Keeping Unit, the standard term for a product ID). If this product has inventory items, this SKU will be placed in the inventory SKU field so that you can append or modify the SKU for each inventory item. In the storefront itself, products can be displayed in SKU order so you can also use this field to control sorting.
- Title – this field is required.
- Short Description is used on the index, search results and shopping cart pages. The fully formatted Description is also shown to Storefront users but is edited in a different place.
- Choose at least one Product Category from your organization's list of categories configured. Storefront users can search through your inventory by category. Remember, when you created Product Categories you noted whether they were available to members only or everyone. When you add a product that is available to non-members, you must select at least one Product Category which is available to non-members.
- Weight can be specified in ounces, pounds, grams or kilograms. If you selected the Advanced Shipping Method in Storefront Options, this product weight will be used to calculate shipping costs.
- Status is one of the following values:
- Being Defined The product and its inventory items are still being built. It will not appear in the storefront.
- Test Active in the storefront for admins only. Use this option to review the product in the storefront before making it available to be ordered.
- Active Available to everyone to be ordered.
- Admins Only Product is active but can only be selected by administrators or Storefront module coordinators.
- Inactive Shown on the admin side of the module only. It cannot currently be ordered.
- Dropped The product is not normally shown unless the “Dropped” box is checked. This is the equivalent to a “deleted” option, except that products cannot be deleted because there may be order history.
- Has Variations controls whether the product varies by size, color and/or other factors. For example, a club golf shirt might be available in multiple sizes and colors, and in styles for women and men. If you check the main box you can then check options for size, color and other. If you select size or color, you will choose from the list of sizes and colors you configured using the Configure options on the Product or Order Manager screen.
- To add a banner to the product information, check the Featured box if this is a “featured” product.
About Product Pricing and Quantity
You can set prices at the product level or at the inventory level.
If the box is unchecked, the price you specify will apply to all inventory items within this product.
If you check the box, the system allows you to enter a default price that will be used for each inventory item. (For example, perhaps all t-shirts cost the same except for the XL, which is $2 more expensive.)
You can also configure whether the product is available to non-members and the price for non-members (which is often different than the member price.)
If the Additional Information option is checked, this product has additional information that must be specified when ordered.
Some items can be personalized with a name, initials, or a message. When this option is selected, more fields appear:
You can define whether the additional information is optional or required, the question that is asked of customers ordering this product, the fee to be charged (if any) for specifying additional information, and the maximum characters allowed in the response.
Tax Rate determines whether a defined tax rate should be applied to this charge. The default tax rate specified in Storefront Options will be shown but can be changed. You can select “No” or one of the active rates defined on the Control Panel – Money tab – Setup section – Sales Tax Rates screen.
Specify the financial account into which orders for this product should be aggregated. The default financial account specified in Storefront Options will be shown but can be changed.
Financial Accounts can only be used to direct payments to multiple bank accounts if you are a ClubExpress Premium Payments user.
If QuickBooks®is enabled, specify the item name into which this product will be categorized when you export transactions.
You can specify whether to enforce a maximum quantity and also whether to apply this limit to everyone or just to non-members.