This screen will differ based on the Shipping Pricing Method selected in Storefront Options.
Navigate to the Storefront - Product Manager.
Click Configure - Shipping.
Use this screen to create and manage shipping methods used by your organization. These might include methods that vary based on the dollar size of the order or flat rates based on USPS cartons. Don’t forget to include methods such as “Pick Up from the club office” that don’t involve handing a package over to a delivery service. ClubExpress does not calculate shipping methods based on weight or package size, so you should keep the available shipping methods simple.
“Handling” can be specified as a separate fee under Storefront Options. You have the option of charging a flat fee to pick and pack the order or for club overhead. The handling fee is added to the chosen shipping fee to arrive at a total fee for shipping and handling on user invoices.
Select Add Shipping Method.
Enter a description and select the appropriate tax rate. Select the Active check box to allow Storefront visitors to select the shipping method at checkout. When editing an existing shipping method, de-select the Active check box to remove it as an option for Storefront visitors.
If the shipping method has amount limits (for example, shipping for purchases $0.00-15.00 is $5.00, shipping for purchases $15.00-$40.00 is $10.00), select the Amount Limits check box. Two new fields will appear: the Lower and Upper limits. Enter in the parameters for the shipping method. Finally, enter the fee for this shipping method and select Save to save your changes.