This screen will differ based on the Shipping Pricing Method selected in Storefront Options.
Navigate to the Storefront - Product Manager.
Click Configure - Shipping.
Use this screen to create and manage shipping methods used by your organization based on where the item is shipping to and the weight of the shipment. Don’t forget to include methods such as “Pick Up from the club office” that don’t actually involve handing a package over to a delivery service.
Advanced shipping methods each have pricing based on the shipping method, weight and region. First, you'll configure a shipping method (for example, Domestic shipping, International shipping, or shipping for special items, such as framed artwork or a fragile vase). Once you have a shipping method defined, you'll set weight ranges in either grams, kilograms, ounces or pounds. Next, you'll configure regions your organization will ship to (for example Southwest US, Midwest US, Eastern Europe, etc.). Last, you'll add pricing information for each weight range within each region and shipping method.
“Handling” can be specified as a separate fee under Storefront Options. You have the option of charging a flat fee to pick and pack the order, or for club overhead. The handling fee is added to the chosen shipping fee to arrive at a total fee for shipping and handling on user invoices.
You will configure and manage your shipping methods in the Shipping Price Admin screen. If you have more than one region defined, the grid will show shipping methods and prices for the region selected (displayed at the top of the grid).
If you have more than one region defined already, your screen will include a Region drop-down list and the grid listing prices will be green. When prices for a region and weight range have not been configured, the grid will be orange.
Shipping Methods
Select this option to configure the shipping methods used by your organization. These shipping methods can be based on the delivery service used, the type of packaging applied, etc.
Enter a description and select the appropriate tax rate. Select the Active check box to allow Storefront visitors to select the shipping method at checkout. When editing an existing shipping method, de-select the Active check box to remove the shipping method as an option for Storefront visitors.
Weight Ranges
Select this option to configure weight ranges for shipping prices. The weight ranges you define here will be used for each region and each shipping method. You are not able to define separate weight ranges for separate shipping methods or regions.
Select the unit of measurement to use (grams, kilograms, ounces or pounds), then enter in your first upper limit (the initial lower limit will always be zero). Once you've entered your first upper weight limit (for example, 10 g), the system will add a new row, using the upper limit you entered as the next lower limit. To quickly increase weight units by one, select the blue plus sign. To remove the last entered row, select the red minus sign. Select Save to save your changes and return to the Shipping Price Admin screen. The screen will refresh to include the weight ranges you entered. Remember, your grid will remain orange until you add pricing information.
To add a region, select Add Region.
Use the Add/Edit Shipping Region pop-up window to select and define shipping regions.
If your organization is in the United States, the default map will be the US map. To select a country outside of the United States, use the Map Selector at the bottom of the pop-up window to select World.
The legend at the top of the map shows what each map color represents: green indicates the state or country has been selected as part of the current region you are configuring, red indicates the state or country was selected as part of another region, and gray indicates the state or country has not been selected as part of any region.
Enter the title for the region you are about to define, for example, Southwest. Next, select the states and/or countries included in this region. Selected states and countries will appear green. Remember, if you have previously defined a region, states and countries which are part of another region will appear red. Countries and states not selected as part of any region will appear gray.
As you add states and countries to your region, the list on the right side of the pop-up window will update to include your selections.
Once you've added shipping methods, weight ranges and regions, configure your prices. Select Manage Pricing to show the Manage Shipping Prices pop-up.
Enter the prices for each weight range and shipping method in the region.
Once you've configured pricing, select Save to save your changes.