QuickEvents are constrained to be easy to define and easy to register for:
- One screen only to define the event
- One screen only to register for the event
- Single activity only
- No fees
- One day only
- One registrant type for members, non-members, and guests
- Optional RSVP only
- Enable QuickRelease (default policy only)
- Whether the registrant list should be shown, and to whom
- No event-specific questions
- No event page or photos (can be added afterwards)
To create a QuickEvent, click Add then select QuickEvent from the drop-down menu. You will see a single page of options to define the event.
The following settings can be defined:
- Title – shown on the calendar;
- Short Description – shown as a tooltip on the calendar;
- Category – controls the color coding. The available list of categories can be limited if you allow members to create their own QuickEvents (see below.)
- Event is for – only shown if subgroups are enabled. Allows you to specify the chapter, district, or region organizing this QuickEvent;
- Visibility – who can see this QuickEvent (everyone, everyone but details for members only, or members only);
- Mobile Channel – only shown if your club or association has purchased the ClubExpress mobile app. Allows you to link this QuickEvent to a mobile channel.
- Contact Person - Click the Select link to select a member, then specify what contact information should be shown for that member and whether he or she should be notified when someone registers for the QuickEvent. You can also Remove a contact person.
- Specify the date and start/finish times for this QuickEvent.
- Specify how registration should be handled:
- Not Required
- Recommended
- Required
- Required by a close date – a date field will appear
- RSVP Only
- Available to admins/coordinators only
- Temporarily unavailable
- Closed
- External – a URL field will appear to specify the other website
- Are Cancellations allowed? If so, a Cancellation Date field will appear.
- What Registrant type should be used for people who register.
- Should the Registrant List be visible, and to whom?
- If attendees can bring guests, what is the maximum number allowed?
- Enable QuickRelease using the default policy(located in the Events Manager>Configuration>Event Defaults).
- Location – this section behaves the same way as location in a regular event. You can also select from one of the predefined locations that your club or association often uses.
Click Save to save this QuickEvent and add it to the calendar, or Cancel to return to the Event Calendar Manager without saving.
You can optionally configure the system to allow members to create their own QuickEvents on your club or association calendar.
Example: A cycling club might allow any member to organize a ride for other members. No approval is required when this option is enabled, but only selected categories will be available in the Category drop-down. Note that admins and event calendar coordinators can define QuickEvents in any event category.
Editing a QuickEvent:
When you view a QuickEvent that you created and for which you are the designated coordinator, you will see a list of admin options for the event in a panel on the right side.
Hover over the Legend icon to see the meaning of each option:
Icon | Description |
Select Edit to edit the QuickEvent. You will see the Add/Edit QuickEvent screen. |
Select this option to see a list of people registered for this event. You will see the same Registration Manager screen described below (except that fees are always $0.00 and Status is always “Paid”.) |
Run reports for this event, including name badges and check-in lists. |
Select this option to send an email to registrants/respondents of the event. |
Select this option to share the details of this event on your club’s Facebook page, LinkedIn Group page, or Twitter feed. |
Select this option to send a text message to registrants/respondents of the event. |
Select this option to cancel the QuickEvent. You will be prompted to confirm this action. Canceling the QuickEvent will automatically email anyone who has RSVPed or registered. |