Select this option to configure special information that should be included in confirmation emails and also to specify when and to whom reminder emails about the event are sent out.
Click the Emails arrow or edit icon to emailing information.
Email Confirmation
Any information entered in this text box will be added to the event registration confirmation email that is sent out once the registration is complete. This field can be used to communicate additional information to event registrants. Line / paragraph breaks will be retained.
Note however that, for events with a fee, the event registration confirmation email is sent out before payment is made (a second email is sent once payment is complete.) This option should not be used if you only want to communicate information to paid registrants.
Automated Reminder Emails
ClubExpress allows you to automatically send reminder emails for upcoming events. You can send up to two emails to every active member and/or just to the people actually registered for the event.
As you check each box, the subsequent boxes become available to also be checked. Enter the date when each email will be sent.
Note that reminders will not be sent if the event is in the past or if its visibility is changed to “Not Visible”.