Navigate to the Control Panel > People Tab > Website Modules > Volunteering.
Turning On Tracking
Click Configure - Options.
Select Yes if you want to track hours for anyone who volunteers, and enter the number of required hours per year.
The number of required hours is for administrative purposes only and does not affect whether the member can renew or take any other action on your website. If your membership is tied to volunteer hours, you can review volunteer hours
Tracking Hours
When you add volunteering slots, each slot is configured for a specific time period or number of hours. A volunteer's hours are only tracked if they've been marked "Attended" for an opportunity. When the opportunity has finished, you'll mark the volunteer as attended and make any adjustments to their hours.
Navigate to the Control Panel > People Tab > Website Modules > Volunteering and use the search panel to find your opportunity.
Search for the opportunity and click the Slots icon in the Maintain Column.
If volunteers sign up for a slot, you'll see a new icon to mark attendance. Click the Attendance icon.
Click the checkbox to mark the volunteer as Attended. This will automatically add the hours the volunteer signed up for originally. If you need to adjust their hours (if they worked longer or shorter hours), use the textbox field.
Checking Hours
You can review an individual volunteer's hours in their Member Profile under Histories.
You can also run a number of reports from the Volunteering Administration screen.