You can disable some fields or features in Service Requests for a simplified form.
Navigate to the Control Panel, Services Tab, Setup section, Service Options.
All Request Types - Select the optional fields to include with all service request types:
- High Priority - Allows you to mark a transportation request as urgent.
- Custom Fields - Include custom drop-down lists for things like special instructions in a request.
- Responsible Staffer - Assign responsibility for following up with the member and volunteer.
- Contact Log - Selecting this option controls two things: whether the Contact Log Priority field appears on the Add/Edit Service Request page; and also whether service requests are linked to the Contact Log to create SR (Service Request) and SR F/U (Service Request Follow-Up) entries in the Contact Log. A Default Contact Log Priority can be configured further down this page.
Provider Ratings - Show the Ratings (star) icon next to the Service Provider, used to view the Service Provider rating. - Person to CC: - Allows you to copy a person on all confirmation emails.
Transportation Request - Select the optional fields to include with transportation requests:
- Is date/time flexible? - Allows you to indicate the requested date and/or time are flexible
- Duration One Way vs. Round Trip - Allows you to configure a transportation request to and from a destination as a single round trip request, as opposed to two separate requests (one request for to the destination, and a second request returning from the destination).
- Follow-up Date - Allows you to enter a date by which a staff member should follow up with the requesting member and volunteer to confirm the request was completed and there were no issues.
Home Request - Select the optional fields to include with home requests:
- Is date/time flexible? - Allows you to indicate the requested date and/or time are flexible
- Follow-up Date - Allows you to enter a date by which a staff member should follow up with the requesting member and volunteer to confirm the request was completed and there were no issues.
Contractor Referral - Select the optional fields to include with contractor referrals:
- Allow contractor referrals - Show the button to add a contractor referral request.
- Follow-up Date - Allows you to enter a date by which a staff member should follow up with the requesting member and volunteer to confirm the request was completed and there were no issues.
Office Time Requests - Select the optional fields to include with office time requests:
- Allow office time requests - Show the button to add an office time request.
- Follow-up Date - Allows you to enter a date by which a staff member should follow up with the requesting member and volunteer to confirm the request was completed and there were no issues.
Miscellaneous - Select the optional fields to include:
- Flag Past Requests button - Turns on/off the Flag Past Requests button on the Member Services screen. The button allows you to mark all requests dated prior to the present day as Completed.