Navigate to the Control Panel > Services Tab > Setup section > Service options.
- Member can enter requests for service – this option controls whether the “Add Service Request” button appears on the Member Profile – My Service Requests screen. Members can always see their history of requests but some villages prefer that they not be able to enter new requests from the same screen.
- Transportation Request Instructions – enter village-specific instructions that you want to appear on the screen when members make a transportation request from their Profile screen. This feature allows members to communicate more accurate and complete information to the village, to ensure that the member’s specific need is met.
- Member’s Home Request Instructions – enter village-specific instructions that you want to appear on the screen when members make a home service request.
- Staff to Notify – enter one or more email addresses (separated by sem-colons and no spaces) for staff who be notified when members request a service themselves.
- Member can request transportation to event – Select Yes to place a button on each individual event in the Event Calendar that allows members to request transportation to and from an event for which they are registering. When Yes is selected, you must specify which transportation service should be used for such requests. You can also flag whether members can request transportation to and/or from the event.