Navigate to the Control Panel > Club Tab > Website Modules > E-Learning.
Your tab may be labeled differently depending on your organization type.
Find the course, then click the Students icon in the Maintain Column.
Enter or select the search criteria (or leave the criteria alone to see all students) and click the Search button. Click the Reset button to reset all search criteria.
In the grid listing students:
Click the Progress icon to see a student's progress in a course. The progress screen will show a grid including all In Progress or Completed videos in a course, the accompanying assessment (if present) and the status for that member. If the student has not yet begun the course, but has paid for it, the progress page will be blank.
Click the Edit icon to edit a student's progress in a course. Change the status to Completed to mark the course as completed for the student. If there is an evaluation form for the course and/or a certificate, each will be available to the student once the course is marked as Completed.
Click the Delete icon to delete a student from a course.
Deleting a student from a course will not automatically credit the student for the course fee. If you provide credits or refunds, you'll need to handle those separately. You can issue a credit to the member's account, or process the refund outside your website.