About Course Seats
The E-Learning module allows you to add organizations with special options for your courses. These are organizations that have paid a fixed fee to purchase a specified number of seats for a defined period of time. You might use this option to provide a discount for course registrations purchased in bulk, or for organizations who simply want to cover the cost of sending their employees to a course.
Seats are not specific to a single course, so members who are part of an organization you've added can sign up for as many courses as they'd like until the organization's seat terms expire.
Navigate to the Control Panel > Club Tab > Website Modules > E-Learning.
Your tab may be labeled differently depending on your organization type.
Click the Seats button.
The grid listing search results shows the organization name, fee paid per seat, and the number of seats used and still remaining.
Adding an Organization and Seats
Click the Add Seats button to add a new organization and seats. Fill in the required fields. Name the organization, and enter the number of seats they've purchased. Choose the financial account for the transaction, then enter the rate per seat. Select the expiration date for the organization's seats, then define the member responsible for the organization. This member will be charged for each seat.
The number of seats purchased, rate, and expiration date cannot be changed once you save the organization. If you need to add seats to an organization, you'll need to add a separate entry.
Assigning Organization Seats
When you add an organization, you also define the members who will use the organization's seats. Whenever a member assigned to a seat signs up for a course, they won't be prompted to pay course fees, as it's assumed the organization has already paid your club on their behalf. An administrator or module coordinator must assign the seats; the organization contact cannot assign them independently.
Members assigned a "seat" with an organization are not charged for individual courses they register for, and the organization contact is only charged once per seat at the defined rate. The organization contact is not charged per course the assigned member registers for.
Click the Members Assigned icon to choose the members who will fill the organization's seats or manage members who are already assigned. The screen shows a quick count of the total number of seats, seats remaining, and seats occupied. If seats have been assigned, you'll also see a grid listing the member name, and a delete icon you can use to remove the member from the seat.
To add a member to a seat, click the Assign Seat icon, then choose the member from the database.
Renewing an Organization and Seats
When an organization's seats expire, you can renew the organization's terms for one year and update the number of seats.
Click the Renew icon to renew the organization's seats. Click Save if the organization renews the same number of seats, or enter a new number and click Save. You'll see a new entry for the organization's renewed seats in the Search Results.
Renewing seats sets the next expiration date for one year from the previous expiration date. This cannot be changed. To set a different expiration date, you'll need to add a new entry.
Financial Accounts can only be used to direct payments to multiple bank accounts if you are a ClubExpress Premium Payments user.