On the Resource Manager, click the Add Resource button to create a new resource.
There are three required fields:
- Resource name
- A shorter name for display purposes
- The category
There are many optional fields. Click the black arrow icon to expand this section. Any values that you don’t specify will be inherited from the category level settings.
You can control the status, access, approval requirement, and unit type (hourly reservations only) for individual resources within a category.
One tennis court might be temporarily out of service, another could be available to members only, while another is available to non-members but require approval. One activity room could be reserved in half-hour units while another is only reservable in one-hour units.
If Fixed Schedule is set to Yes, specify the unit length. If Fixed Schedule is set to No, you can specify the default, minimum, and maximum number of units allowed for this resource (where units was defined in the previous section.)
You can also specify whether partial unit reservations are allowed.
Specify the fee per unit to be charged for members and, optionally, non-members.
Click the clock icon to specify the earliest start time that a reservation can be made and the latest time when a reservation can end. The full 24-hour clock is available and you can expand or contract the dialog to show more or fewer times. Once a start time is selected, the dialog will change to allow you to specify an end time. These times can be different for different resources, even within the same category.
An unlighted tennis court might need to end reservations at 5:00 PM while a lighted tennis court can be available until 9:00 PM or later.
For overnight reservations, click the click icon to specify when the reservation starts on the first day and when it finishes on the last day. These times can be different for different resources, even within the same category.
If custom times are specified, click the red X icon to revert back to the category settings.
Specify whether a usage description can or must be specified, or whether no usage description will be shown. You can also choose the text to be shown in the reservation scheduler itself, from one of “Reserved”, the reservation holder’s name, the usage description, or both the name and description.
Allow User Notifications can be enabled to allow reservation holders to notify others of the reservation (for example, the other players in a tennis foursome.)
If Notify Admins/Contact on Reservation is set to Yes, the designated contact person will receive an email whenever this resource is reserved, showing the details of the reservation.
If Prompt for Setup Instructions is set to Yes, the system will ask the reservation holder if there are any special setup instructions.
A tennis court doesn’t need any but a meeting room might.
Reservation Rules allows you to define special rules that need to be observed when this resource is reserved. For example, a ski lodge room might have special requirements regarding bed linens or noise after a certain hour.
Finally, you can upload a photo of this resource, to be shown on the main resource screen.