This option is used when a student has applied to join OPDI using a printed form which then needs to be transcribed into the system. ClubExpress OPDI also provides an online form for users who are more tech savvy and can apply on their own through the website.
Click Add Student to add a student to OPDI as an admin. You will initially see the following screen:
When you select “Apply for a Member”, click the Select Member link to select an existing member. The system will display the standard ClubExpress member selector. When you click Select, the screen will refresh to show that member’s contact information together with the rest of the student application.
When you select “Apply for a Non-Member”, click the Search Non-Member Database link to select an existing non-member record. The system will display the standard ClubExpress non-member selector. When you click Select, the screen will refresh to show that non-member’s contact information in an editable format, together with the rest of the student application.
If you are applying for a non-member who is not yet in the database, cancel this process and switch over to Control Panel – People tab – People Manager to add the non-member first.
The Application Status section only appears on the admin version of the application. It allows admins to specify a status, write comments, and specify a rejection reason if the application was rejected.
Changing the application status from “Applied” to “Accepted” causes an acceptance email to be generated to the member or non-member.
Changing the application status from “Applied” to “Rejected” causes a rejection email to be generated to the member or non-member, including any text entered into the Reason for Rejection field.
The next panel is Education and Goals. It includes the answers to special questions asked of the applicant.
The final panel is the Disclaimer statement, which is configured on the OPDI Options screen, under the Configure button.
Click the Save Session button to save your changes and return to the OPDI Student Manager, or click Cancel to return without saving.
Member and Non-Member Applications
When members and non-members start the OPDI application process, they can complete the application in stages. Clicking Save Session saves their work to date. It also generates an email that includes a link allowing them to resume working on the application. Their status is “In Process”.
When members and non-members complete the application themselves, there is an additional button: Submit Application. It changes their status to “Pending” and redirects them to the payment page to pay the application fee.
Once the fee is paid, their application status changes to “Applied”.