Click the Configure button to see the following options in a popup menu:
Select Tracks to maintain the list of tracks into which each class is assigned. You will see a standard ClubExpress admin screen for supporting tables:
When you click Add Track, the following screen appears:
Enter the track name and the number of classes required in this track. Click Save to save your entry and return to the Tracks manager, or Cancel to return without saving.
Back on the Tracks manager, click Edit to modify an existing track. If classes have not yet been assigned to a track, a Delete link will appear, allowing you to delete the track.
Click Return to Previous Page to return to the OPDI Class Manager.
Teach/Work Environment
Select Teach/Work Environment to modify the different places where OPDI students work. This is a similar lookup list to Tracks and it functions the same way. Note that this list includes an “Active” flag that controls whether a specific entry is currently visible.
Education Levels Attained
Select Education Levels Attained to modify the lookup list of education levels. It functions the same way, with the addition of a Display Sequence button that allows you to control the sequence of entries. Clicking this button shows the standard ClubExpress sequence dialog.
Reasons for Attending
Select Reasons for Attending to modify the lookup list of reasons. It functions the same way as other lookup tables, including an “Active” flag to turn individual reasons on or off.
Select Semester/Year to modify the list of semesters and years, including an “Active” flag to turn individual semesters on or off.
Primary Place of Employment
Select Primary Place of Employment to modify the lookup list of employment types. Includes an “Active” flag.
Select Vendors to display the lookup list of vendors with which NDEO has partnered to provide CEUs and education credits. Although the Add/Edit screen collects more information on each vendor, this section functions the same way as other support lists in the system.
Refund Policies
Select Refund Policies to define policies that can be linked to each class. You will see a list of policies. Clicking Add Refund Policy or the Edit link displays a screen similar to the following:
Enter the Policy Name. The screen then allows you to enter a number of Days Out (before the class begins) and the percentage refund that will be allowed. Click the Add button to add this entry to the list, then continue with another entry if appropriate. If you make a mistake, click the Remove link to remove that entry.
When you have finished, click Save to save your refund policy and return to the main list of policies, or Cancel to return without saving.
How You Heard of Us
Select this option to modify the How You Heard of Us list in the application form. Includes an “Active” flag to turn individual entries on or off.
Select Configure – Options to modify OPDI options. You will see the following screen:
Enter the Short Name and full name of this module. You can also specify which admin screen should appear when you select this module in the Control Panel.
Non-Member Applicant Category is used when non-members first apply to take OPDI courses. The Email Content field specifies custom text that is added to the confirmation email when a non-member application is received.
OPDI can be used with or without a direct interface to Sakai. Check the box to enable this interface and specify the unique customer code assigned by the LAMP Consortium.
Specify the application fee to become an OPDI student and the admin fee that is deducted from individual class registration fees if a student is unable to take a class and requests a refund.
Specify how many CEUs are required to receive a Certificate.
Enter the name, email address and backup email address of the OPDI program director.
When members and non-members apply to join OPDI, the custom text in the Application Disclaimer is displayed at the top of the application form. This is the standard ClubExpress advanced content editor.
Click Save to save your changes and return to the main OPDI Manager screen, or Cancel to return without saving.