Navigate to the Control Panel > Money Tab > Admin Functions > Money Options.
You'll find the settings under General and Currency (scroll down for currency).
Fiscal Year Start
Select the month when your fiscal year begins. The default is January. Fiscal year is used on some reports to categorize transactions and payments.
Charge Sales Tax and Tax Account
In the US, select whether tax should be charged at all, for transactions in your home state only, or for all transactions. In other countries where GST or VAT are charged, the only options are Yes or No.
Also specify which financial account should be used for taxes. If you have approval from your state government for tax-exempt status, you will not need to charge tax.
Tax ID
If you have a tax ID, enter it here. This field is sensitive to the country of your organization; for clubs and associations in the US, it requires 2 numbers, a hyphen, then 7 more numbers. Outside the US, you can have as many as 20 characters.
This field is optional. If provided, it will be included on printed invoices.
The default currency symbol is a “$” and most people will understand that this means US$. But for clubs and associations outside the US, you want to tell people that their membership signups and renewals, event registrations, donations, etc., will be processed in their local currency. A simple “$” may not be enough.
ClubExpress allows you to specify up to 4 characters for the currency symbol. So a club or association based in Australia might use “$AUS” or “AUD” to tell people what currency is being used.