Navigate to the Control Panel > Money Tab > Setup > Money Options.
Payment Options
Handling Checks
Decide if you want checks mailed to the club’s official address or to ClubExpress. This setting changes the address that appears when members and non-members choose to print an invoice and mail a check.
If checks are mailed to us, we process them through the system and mail them to you. Note that there is a small additional fee for this service.
Offer Discount for Cash/Check Payment
Because clubs cannot charge extra fees in many states to cover credit card fees, we have enabled a feature allowing you to instead offer a discount to members or non-members paying by cash or check. Once you enable the option, you may specify a discount rate between 1% and 4%, and up to two decimal places.
Credit Cards Accepted
This option shows which credit cards are currently accepted. Please contact ClubExpress to make changes to these settings. If your club or association is using the built-in merchant account, the fee is the same for Visa and Discover, but higher for MasterCard and higher again for Amex. We can turn Amex off for you. For more information on setting up and using a merchant account, see Collecting and Processing Payments.
If you are using Stripe as your payment processor you will not see this section. Accepted credit cards are managed on your Stripe account.
Credit Card Fee Distribution
When members pay online by credit card, a fee is charged by the credit card company. Choose to either charge the credit card fee to your designated Primary Bank Account, or to the Bank Account where the fees were incurred. For example, to a Bank Account for a specific chapter or region, or an account specifically for event registrations.
You'll only see this option if you are using the built-in ClubExpress Merchant Account and have more than one active bank account.
Non-member Convenience Fee
When non-members make payments online by credit card using the ClubExpress merchant account built into your website, ClubExpress charges a Convenience Fee using the following schedule.
Payment |
ClubExpress Fee |
Up to $10.00 | $1.00 |
$10.01 to $50.00 | $2.00 |
$50.01 to $250.00 | $3.00 |
$250.01 to $500.00 | $4.00 |
$500.01 and higher | $5.00 |
By default, the fee appears as a special line item on the payment page if the user is not a club member (or if it’s an admin submitting payment for a non-member), the payment method is credit card, and the club is using the merchant account built into ClubExpress. Note that the fee is not charged if any one of these circumstances is not in effect.
You also have the option of hiding this fee from users. It will still be charged but instead will be charged to the club.
If you are not using the ClubExpress Merchant Account you will not see this section.
Handling Credits
For clubs and associations with multi-person memberships, you can make credits available to every person within the membership. The default is that credits are only available to the member who earned them. If you choose to allow credits to be shared within the same account, then they will appear on the payment page for any member (primary, secondary or tertiary) within that account.
Notify Treasurer When User Makes Payment
Select this option to have the system send an email to the designated club Treasurer whenever a payment is recorded.
Note that for a large and/or active association, this could be a lot of emails!
Days between Scheduled Payment Reminders
Determine how often users will be reminded they have an upcoming scheduled payment or an overdue scheduled payment for an event. This applies when a payment schedule has been configured for an event cost.
Notify members and non-members of unpaid transactions
Select "Yes" to send automatic reminder emails for unpaid transactions to both members and non-members. When you select "Yes" you'll be prompted to determine when the reminders start and how many days between each reminder. The payment reminder emails are sent to the member on the schedule you configure until the transaction is satisfied (paid, comped, written off).
Other Payment Options
Enter instructions for members and non-members paying by check, or any other payment methods you support. Any text entered into this panel will be displayed on the payment page and on invoices.
If this section is left blank, no instructions will be displayed.